Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDo(irineofHuniliadoni dt as well in thole which are well educated, and have fallen into no groffe firmes,, as in o- thers I anfwer, yes it muff be in all, even this great 4nfty. Humiliation here fpoken of; elfeletthem goene- ver fo farre, they will in the end fall away : and that is the veryreafon why fo mányProfeffors,that have given up theirnames to follow Chriff, fall away, becaufe they were neverhumbled foundly for finne. Yet there is this difference betwixt the hu- The dit eren om initiation ofonebrought up well, and a groffe in fhouneiwell li eatien - finner: duèaced and I. Thefilthof Panne is not fo fuddenly revu- grofe tanner., thofe that havebeetlewell brought up, and a' have fome knowledge, and therefore theyare not fo fuddenly fmitten, as to thofe that lived in igno- ranceall theirlifelong thofethat have a light on the fudden, it prefer-lay amazetl them even fo God ¡hikes downefuddenlyi the groffe inner, and amazes himwitha moreviolent forrowandhnmi- liation,than hedoth the other. 2. Thejoy is notfo fudden, nor flafhing, nor, fenfible inhim that hath more knowledge ; the medicine isknowne to him asfoone`as the wound : heknowes Chriff a Saviour offered up for all that arewounded for lime andfoas he feeles the woundheapplies themedicine fo is not his troublefo irkefome, neither bringdelivered bath he fuch fenfible joy : Forinffanceb Suppofeaman, be intheway wounded among thecves, and al- - 13 moff