Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

6a The ri arinsol Humilíatior: mof killed, fo that he faw no meanes of life ; if we, a friend:of his, onthefydden fhould fteppe . forth andhelpe him, bee wouldbe more fenfible of ir, than filch an one as knowing before he fhall be robbed, getteth company togoe withhim, and foefcapes the danger. And fomuch for the fourth queftion. RN/. e Thefifth queftion is this ; What is the leaf} de- greeofHumiliation that muft be inone that will be faved ? I anfwer, it is fo much as will bring us home eAnfv. to Chrift ; that is fo muchas will makeus ap- The,eaade- gree of hunt', prehend fine tobe thegreateft evill inthe world, hation will and Chrift tobe the greateft good.; ' fo much as makeus count Will enableus tomake finne our chiefeft forrow, {ìn thegrea ceßtu,tl, andChrift our chiefeft joy:.when ,wee doe fo, Chrift the thenwhatfoever is offered weneglect for .Chrif'}, graatciì g°vd and preferre him. Thence is it that theChurches arefaid to rejoyceinChrift with joy unjeakeable and gloriow, i. Pet. i.8. For whenwe apprehendfinne tobe thegreateft evill, andby Chrift tobeefreed A man, con- fromit, wemuft needsrejoyce unfpeakably. For verfioncon wee are to know that our converfion confifts in gas in three things. ., .three things : i. Inbeing foundlyhumbled, fo that wee fee finnetobe thegreateft evill in theworld. z. In ftedfaftly laying holdof Chrift, andbe- Ieeving in him, fo that weewillnot part withhim for any thing in theworld. 3. Inanewneffeof life, walking inobedience to allhis Commandements: and therefore Chrift faith