64 Thebollrine ofHumiliation o yAe -.I but f.wie manwill bee ready to fay, I have done what I could, and yet I am not humbled. A To this I anfwer, it is not the Law alone that mull humbleus, but it muff be joynedwith the fpirit ofbondage ; for as tomake the Gofpell of . feeluall there isrequired the fpirit of confolarion, and a faith to beleeve it ; fo to make theLawc feEluall there is required the fpirit ofbondage,and The fpirit of faith proportionable. The fpirit of bondage is bondage,what that which enlightneth us toLee thebondage and why re- wherein we are by.reafonof our finnes, and then muired to hu, miliation, is required a faith, to beleeve the threats a : ainfl thole runes ; for faith is required to b eve Gods threatsas well as his promifes faith in the generall being nothing but a lifting usup to fee whatnaturecannot : for when the uncleane perfon is threatned he is not moved becaufehe beleeves not. obleá. But here fomemanwillbe ready to obje l and fay, Afflithons oftenhumbleus, therefore it is not the Law that doth it. ¡v: Tothis I anfwer, Afllietions, as the plow,rrtake How affiai. way, but it is the feed of the Law forme in our ons and the Lawconcurre hearts that mutthumbleus: indeed 'thole notions, tohumiliation which theyhad before, are in afflidions made to feemotherwife thenbefore : but we mull takeheed that afflictions caufe not worldly forrow, for that is the applyingofthe corrofive toawholeplace. Now you mull know that there isan extraor- dinary humiliation' which God at fotne times workes in forme ran ; weurge not to that, (God workes