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TheDoêrineof llutníliaton: 65 wtrkes that inwhom he pleafeth,and intendeth to make extraordinary,) wee urge to the ordinary humiliation. Now themeanes toattainethat are thefe five The firíi meanes toattaine humiliation, is, To Five meanes enter intoa ferious confideration of our eflate, as ro Me huriliati6. i, a theprodigall. Sonnedid ; he is faid, Luk.15. to con(ìder ouner, ío r come tohiirlfelfe, and confider that his fatherhad e- dates. riough, and heílarved. So every one of us fhould doe: confider Firft, thegreatneffeof thy finnes inparticular, Es and make Cataloguesofthem. And then fecondly,. letour aetuall Tunes leade us to our corrupt heart, which is the root of all. So Goddealt with the childrenofÍfrael,Deut.B. 2. whereit is faid, God led them forty yeáres in the wilderneffe, tohumble them, andto prove them, and re knowwhat was in theirhearts,&c. Hee himfelfe knew itwell enough, butbytheir firms hewould makeit knovctne to themfelves and others. So al- foGoddealt withHezekia4, 2 Chron.32.3 i. where it is faid, Godleft him, to try him, and to know all that was inhis heart. Hezekiah had a proud heart, and God left him tohimfelfe,not that Godmight knowwhat was in his heart, but that bee hirnfelfe might know. So God tels the Ifraelites,Ezek.36. 31. Tee (hall remember your mime evil! wayes, and your doings that were not good, and(hall loathyour elves in your ownefightforyour iniquity,&c. Thirdly, Having thus confideredyour finnes, 3° confider Gods wrath, and the certaintyof 'it; the wrath