Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

6s The Dotr°itieofH, I!Ì4tion wrathofaKing is the meífenger of death, what . then is the wrathof almighty God :' even as the powerofGod is more than thepower of man, fo is his wrathalfo : as long as he lives, fo longwill hepunìfh thee inhell. The confideration of this made Mofes breake out,Pfal.9o,andfay,Whoknowes thepower ofhiswrath? raft/ is ingreat heavinetfe for the Iewes, Rom.9.And as God (hewed his almigh- typower inmakingofman,fo will he indeftroying andpunifhing. And this wrath ofhis (hall fall up- on the molt fenfible part of man, viz, the foule, . which as it is capable of the greateft meafure of joy, fois it capable of the greateft meafure of griefe. What isGodbut infinite?what is hiswrath but infinite:under it thou fhaltmolt wiflrfordeath, which now thoumefifeareft. s,.Meanes,ro The fecondmeanes toobtaine Humiliation, is,'.. fufferforrow to flay agreat whileon this confideration, to fuf me abide onus fer forrow toabide onour hearts ; for it is theoft andferieus confideration that effets this : and therefore we may learnefomething from Sathan, . whenhewould driveaman todefpaire,.heoft puts thoughts ofGods wrath due unto our inner into ourinindes, hee holds the objeEt dole unto our mindes, and fo letteth us thinke of nothingelfe. It is the frequent and feirous confideration of there thingrthar humblerh us : This was that that hu i bledDavid, Pfal.g r.myfirne alriales beforeme fo Iam.4.8. Cleanfeyour hands ye fanners, andpurije your heartsyee donble minded: How is that done be aiöed ,tad worm: all waveringneffe and