s The 'Vo Trine o}`I- a árrii ; 67 and inflability comes from the corruption of the heart,and thereforecleanfe that ; and the way to cleanfethat is tobe humbled ; and the way to be humbled is to fequefter your felfe from all carnali mirth (though elfe lawfull) and flay on thefecon- fiderations. The thirdmeanes is this ; If you cannot fée finnein it felfe, labour to fee it inhis effects. All L M ,e;nlt miferies which you feefe inyour felfe, orknow in cffe is. Others, are thefruits ofit; and this will make you fay,it is abitter thing to finne ; foPeter in his fe- condEpiflleand fecondchapter, by this effeí age- gravates finne, wherehe fhewes it was for firm that the Angels were throwne downe into hell, that the oldworld was drowned, thatS®drme and Gomorrah weredeftroyed.. The fourthmeanes to attaine humiliation is, to 4.Meanës,er make thefeevils prefent beforeyou byfaith : as in make thetee^ ono ticke lat% 'thofethin s thatareafar off'will vtisprefent by p g g fault. feeme neere to thofe that looke in it ; fo thefe by faith fhouldkernat the verydoore : it may bethe not confidering them as prefent makes them not affectyou ; for what is a farreoff; although it be in tfelfe feareful,yet is not feared,as death,&c.there- fore fet hell before your eyes, and fee it as prefent before you. Two things Make prefent unto you thefe twothings : oughtmbe z All lines paff: a thing that is paff vs will prefentinfer; feeme fmall u:uous, though it be as great as e- °S' ver it was before, and fo doe our Gems to us : weufuallydoeas menthat leave fomethíng be- K z hinde