Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

6S Thebo6rineof I-Iurniliatrdn hindsthem, when theyare far gone they think it is but a little, and thereforethey will not re- turne for it fo we being farofffrom our times, they feeme littleuntous, but we mutt remem- ber th4dayof our iniquity. Let us therefore make them our firmes prefenr, God heefteemes themas great as ever theywere, let us doefo therefore, letthem feeme abominable to us thus did Iob pofleffe the limes ofhisyouth. 2.. Things future :as Gods.judgements,which are nevre at hand,and lye atthe doore, as Godfaies toGran, although they feemeto usa farreoff: But this is Satans cunning todeceive us; he isas a Painter;who by thecollufion ofcolorsmakes things feeme far offwhich arenigh;fohemakes Godswrath which lyes at our doore, feeme farre off, when asit may bee itwill light onus the next day. s. Meanes. The fifth meanes to attaine Humiliation, is» To takeheed To take, heedof all fuch falfe fhifts whereby of Rifts: you may feeme, .to keepe off the blow of Gods law from lightingonyou wee are never moved with thefe. con fiderations . until! all fhifrs are. removed ; fo that wee feenothing but death, and thenwe.tremble: gâc (hiftc The fhifts by whichmen thinke tokeepe offthe- E wherebymcn blow ofGods judgtnenrs,and fowith-hold them- think to keep felves from being humbled,are thefe eight : ePcolaity. I Civilitie this Glowormeofcivility fo gilt- ility, r tereth in the darke, that wee thinke it tobee a true fpprkeof graces but where the fpirit Mines wee ¡hall