Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

hëDociriniofHumiliation -; g all finde it falfe : and as the Divell deludeth Witches, in giving them leaves inftead of filver andgold, fo doth hee deale with thee here ; for except therebe a fupernaturall frame of theheart-, there is not caufe ofcomfort notwithftanding all thy civility : and therefore thoumuff beefaire to havefomething in thee more than nature, for civi- litywill notbring to heaven. i Forman performance of holy duties as i* Forman praying, g? puffs &c. than f men u and keeps prfh oly orcaiu duàe..., them from humiliation. If you either omitted of them altogether, then your confcience would checkeyou or performed thetñwell, then your heart wouldbe bettered, and youwould"-behum- bled : but this formaIi doingofthem keepes the heart dead and fenfleffe;Remember therefore that no facrifice is acceptable to God,- but that that comes froma Brekenheart,Pfal.5r. 3 The :badneffe of your "natùre ; you would Lure, of doebetter, but your nature is fo bad that you can- natUr, not.But remember,firft,That thataggravates your Twocautions finne, andGod likes you theworfefor that, and I° will thehardlier pardon you even as weeour felvesare readieft to pardon anoffence in a good nature. Secondly, your felfeis thecattle of the badneffeofyour nature> God gaveyou in -c ísdam 2, agood nature, but you have' loft ir, and friceby many Iinnes have made it worfeby arre. 4. Gods mercy he ismerciful!, therefore you 4.Gods iegcy will notfeare : but what'if bee beimercifull, hee callsnot thee, thou :art not burdened with thy' K 3 fumes,