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theDo61neo 70 rá Ítmilitton: finnes, hecalsonely fuck, comeetnto mee all ye that are heavy laden, and rrvill cafeyoii. What haft thou todoewithmercy, which íeelfnot thy mifery thouhaft nopart in it,as Iehic faid to lezabell. g.Ttae making 5 The making confcience of many things; confciegce of foHerod didmany thingsafter johns preaching ; fo many things. theGentiles didby nature the things contained in the Law, yet were withoutGod,Rom 2. but there isnoexample likeunto that of 4rnomia, z Chron. 25.2. hedid that whichwasright in the fight of the Lord fora long time, but not with a perfea heart. One may makeconfience of praying in private, andof-doing manygoodduties, and yet haveno true grace, but doeall outof a naturall confcience for feareofpunithment. 6.jhe delay 6. BecaufeJudgements come not fwiftly, and ofexecuting arenot fpeedily executed, Minifters threaten but of judgcmci t they feele nothing : But weemuff know, thatthe !elkaffiidtions wehavehad, the more=behind and I know not a more miferable condition than this is ; it is anaoft dangerous figne thou art or- dained todeath, when thou art thus let alone vn- punifht : As weufe to fay,when menare frequent- Simile, ly ficke there is nodanger ofdeath, but whenthey never have beeneficke, andat lengthfall into it, it is very dangerous ; fo it isto be feared,thatwhen once Godbeginnes with thee, bee will make an end, as hee threatned to .Hophnie and Pbinea%s ; bee willfo ffrike, that he will not firike twice lo that nothingcan be worfe, thanfor : fìnner to goe on withouttrouble. 7Men