Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The I'otTriraeofHunsiliation: 7r 7. Men judge their eflates andfnnes in a falfe 7.A falte opi. ballanceof opinion : none (fay they),.thinke ill cßane f chela ofthem,but a few that aremore precife than wife. But confider z That Miniflers are onely the menby whom Three'cauti. ye beleeve notwhomye fhouldbeleeve : takeour "5. words but fo farre forth as they are proved unto you by Scripture ; and if theybetrue, then (al- though fewbeof that minde) yet you ought to beleeve them.. z Confiderwhether that latitude ofReligion 2è which thou flickefl unto, and hopefl t5bee faxed by,wi ll ferve theeon thy death-bed,and at the day of)udgement. 3 Confider that it is thepart of holymen,and. â of-noneelfe, todifcernewhichare thewayes of God : every one is to bebeleeved in his owne art, therefore beleeve them. Men thinke that it concernesonly tome tobee t ®pinion= chat An force holy, as Miniflers,&c. andnot all. I willanfwer fhould be h°. fueh with the faying of Witdome, The avay o f ly andnatal!, godlineffe is toohigh for a foale : Ifthouwerrwife, thou wouldeft thinke itconcerned thee alto. Now Ibefeech you (brethren) humble your rfea felves,andfo much the rather, becaufenow the timeandneceffity of the Church requires it, now whileThee is thus in her mourning gowne feeke' not after your profits and pleafures, drinke not Wine inbowies, ufe not nowthe liberties that o- therwife lawfully you might.. Remember that Paying of Vriah, z Saw. rr.1r. The flrke, andIfrael, arrl, '