72 andMahabide in teats,and iny Lord loah, andthe r- vants of toy Lord are encamped in theopers frelds, Jhill I then goe into my hortire to eatand to drinke, and to lyewithmy wife ? be. And doe as Datsieldid,ccape 9. Nowpahife all the parts of Humiliation,now Gods Church needeth it; although you, your felves were free, yet humble your felves for the finnes of others ; continually pray to God for them. Remember what God threatneth to thofe, F. fä.22 12. that whenhe called tomourning, they followed their pleafure ; heefaith, Ile will not forget it to thedeath : foEfa.66.4. God is angry withall that ne;led this duty, and will not bee ftirredupto performe it but thofe that doecall on him hewìllheare. The righteousridge, Luk, r 8. wasovercome by importunity,and thenmuch morewill God : ifwe humbleour felves, as Mor- decay, Ef#er 4. i4. concluded excellently, Their de- . liverance from .anotherplace ; fomaywe ; thencertainly the Church {hall fland, and Anti- chriíhfhall fall, asa mill-(lone into the fea, never to rife up againe. I.grant Iremay rage very farre, hehath raged farre already, and how farre more he{hall rage; Godonely knowes-; yet in the end, certaine it is heThal fall,& theChurch fhall Rand. Letùs all therefore behumbled, youwhichhave notyetbegunne this humiliation, now beginne .; and yecwhich havebegunne, beeTledfafl therein, knowing that your labour {hall notbee invaine in the Lord. Thenext thing tobe (hewedafter thisdoarine that .L®iriñeofFltnili 7" tim: