Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Mercy t© befoüñd i»ebrïf, 7; that weeare lead in (inne, is themeanes ofreco- vering our life,and that is by Chrifl,as it is in the Text (you bath hee quickened that weredead, &c.) Hee, that is, Chill bathdone it. Hence learne thisdo&riveof comfort, as a refrefhing cordi- all next after the bitter potion of humiliati- on. That: Doír.3. Whofoever willcopse toChrifl/nay comeandifnde 3 Thu s.n mercy, Rcv.22.19. who fever will,_ let him talkof the d®ftrine. the waters oflifefreely. Here I willPhew: a What ismeantbywill (whoroeverwill)tbat chTaking of is, he thatwill receiveChriff withall hiscon- ditions, to be his Lord and his Ruler, &c. Whofoever will thus take Chrifl hee may : if wee would take Chriftbefore wee werehum- bledwe might, but tillwe humbledwewill not takehim. It is Chrift that gives life,but till webehungry wewilnot take himandeat him: Sbme> theSunne enlighteneth,but thewindow lets it in; Chrifgives life, but our bungling after him makes us eat him, whichwewill not doe untill weebehumbled.. yinghtil z May come toCbrill] that is, receivehim, 'It and beleeve inhim; it is but laying hold fhim when hee fees he moil perifh, Simile. falling into the fea, calls himfelfe on a rocke, and there will lie and real: ; fo wee Peeingwee muff perifh without him; wee clap hold on him,and will not leavehim forany perfecution or pleafure. All ma Whofoever tvi0) It_ isgenerally propounded; 3oie and L for takehits,