Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

74 Mercy to befoundinehrtf, for Chrif} is a common founraine,he that will ' may come; As fob; 7,3,7 Ifanyman thiri,let himcome untomee anddrjnke ò hee that beleeveth in mee, as faith theScripture, out ofhis belly f ali flowlivingwater$: and againe toh his onlybegotten Sonne, that whofoever beleev d in him fliould notperr%h, but have everlafliaglife. As theold 19d4mwas a common root of time and damnation; fo is Chrifl the feconddidam, of grace and falvation : as at theyeere of1ubliee, when the trumpet founded, whofoever would 'nightgoe free, but ifanywould be foflavifh as to ffrve, theymight; follow to Chrift,now he calleth,whofoever will,may goe free and bede. livered; but if there beany fo flavilh minded as to flay, they may. The grounds Thegrounds ofthisDodrinewh of er°¡ftr;n nerally deliver it, why thusgo; are rhefe , ierhowife r Becaufe elfe therewereno © ground of faith ; faith mu groundof our our frh' and the Scripturemakes nóroartdi ula Scripture, toany man ; itfaith not, thou Thomas, orhon John, fhaltbePaved, but it faith, Wh%sverwill, lethim come, andd ink IÍreely of;he vátr,- aflife Then we fay, but I will; therefore on this ground is the flrength offaith, that vyho foever will, maycome, z 'Faith is a- 2 Becaufe faith is about bout things refu things that are; that are. p ppofethhis object}; God gives generall prom ife, lrho foever willbeleeve, (halit e raved; This is the objeaof faith,thispremifed the