Mercy tobefoodha ChrJI. MI5 the faithfolloweth; and is the the caufe of all the confequences, as that Chrifi is mine, I am fanáified,juftified,&c. thefe follow faith, but theobjeá is before,viz. that whofoever wit come toChrifi, may : as,if I beleeve theworld is created, then it muff firii becreated ; fo ifI beleeve,I (hall befaved,if I goe to Chrifi then I muff fide have this, for tobeleeve, that who- focver willcome to Chrifi,may come. Toexhort fomanyas are humbled for finne, Tye: and fee what need they haveofChrifi,tocome to him tobe quickened; .the fountaine isopen- ed, fo that, be thy finnes never fo many,or great however,committed ofknowledge after many vowes or covenants, yet if thou art fo touched andhumbled for thy firmes, that thou truely thirfiefi after Chriíi, if thou wilt take him, thoumaiíi. To rhofe onely that arehumbled is this widedoore ofcomfort opened ; art thou but humbled, let thy finne be never fo great, . fuppofe itbe ofmurther,uncleannefl'e,&c. let them be aggravated with all the circumfian- ces, yet ifthou can't bebuthumbled, and then lay holdonChrift thou maiefi,Read t Cor.6.9. Seewhatgreat finnes tholewere, how can you name greater ? Neitherfornicator,nor idolater, nor adulter,noreffeminate,nor abufers o f themfelveswith mankind, nor themes ,norcovetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners,Jhall inherit the King- dome of God. Andfucb were Time ofyou but yee are waJhedbutyearefaní1ifred,brft ye are iuflifred,&c.. L 2 Nay,.