& keel. eíinfwer. Every one would rake Chrituas a Saviour,bur 41er-y to f iiidin thrift. Nay,fuppofeyou havenot one jot ofholinetie, nor ofgodly forrow, yet doe but take Chrill, and hee is thine. To looke for forrow and holinelfebefore thou takefi Chrifl, is toTooke for life before the foule. Therefore doe but take himandhee is thine : for, 1 The promife is free without any condi- tion ; If godly forrow and grace were re- quired, it were not free; godly forrow and grace followes faith, butare not required be- fore it. 2 The promife isgenerali, cmark. 16. r6. Goe yee unto all the world, and preach the 'Got: pell to every creature: If therefore therebe any poore foule touched with his finnes, fo as bee will doe or fulfer any thing for Chrift, to him I fpeake comfort, to himClirifldoth belong, thou maiefl have CuR r s T if thou wilt. But force man will here be ready to ob; jek and fay, Then every one will take him. To this Ianfwer,Every onewould take him fora Saviour, but there be conditions follow- ing after, though not going before faith if you beleAtA J,o gotas aLorci. ' " e is your Saviour, you mulls beleeve bee is your Lord, you muff ferve him in all his commands, and leave all your finnes, which none will doe, until' theyfee that without him they cannot but perifh: and -none but they will take him, whom, when they have taken him, he dekendeth ult®