Centirn nce n(inne i gero $ finneoflufl; famecanpart with both : but for their riches, theywill not part with a penny; and fo for other particulars, manywill be con- tent t©art with forne oftheir fins ,but one is fo fweet,that they willnot partwithit. But let all fuchknow, that iftheyhave butany one finne to rule and reigne fo in them, that theymuff: needs obeyit; if it be fo Tweet unto them,that they cannot leave it., they are in theeftateof condemnation: yea,iftheycontinuebut inany oneknown finne, for there is but one way to heaven,but by-waiesa th©ufand : now, if thou takeft but one by-way, it will leadethee from heaven as well as if twenty; for the rightway tohit the marke, is but one,but there aremany by-waies wherein wemay mire. I added,whofeever walkethin any knowne gm: Indeed, a manmay fometimes by chance flip out of theway into fame finne ; but I meane not fuchaman,but him thatmaketh force finne hiscontinuallwalked Butevery one willbe ready to fay; This is a hard Paying, and whocan indure it ? I will By reafc therefore (hewyoulome reafons for it. The firft reafon is, becaufe, that whofoever Real;m r e rhac wa3 walketh in any knowne finne, is overcomeof ketHeh 3n fn s finne, and whofoever is overcome offinne can- overcome of notbe faved. Indeed, agodlymanmay often- 6uac4 timesbe foiled, but never is overcome, andat the lall getteth the vi6 ory : But when a man Offimulateshimfelfe to finne , andwithoutany M relu ïation