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6 TheMarineofMartification, man can apply fpirituall things by the fenfes,but eartit ly things. Secondly, by the affec`tions amanmay conceive of fpirituall things, for the affections are the properfeat oflove, and aman being endued with love, may bee affectedwith heavenly things, fo feare as they, are tweet untonature ; and hence mayarìfe feare oflofing them, notbecaufe they are heavenly things, but be- caufe they are fweet untohis nature. &elides, the af- feetions may rearaine him, and turne him fromeftce- ming ofthings bafe, toan eteemingofthings that are more excellent, andyet be but earthlyminded for it is not theaffection to good that proves a man tobee good, but it is the rice of the affeEìion that is the ground fromwhence they fpring;namely,fromaheart enlightenedby theSpirit : Herod may affet1 John, and Johns do&rine, but this is not bredby theSpirit, but carnall affeEtion. Thirdly, by theunderftanding, ormind, a man may 3 come toconceive of fpirituall and heavenly things ; come to a roan his minde may bee enlightened with the knowledge n know fpititu- of them, andyet beebut earthlyminded : As for ex- 211 things,and ample yet not be re- new:a. Firff, heemay fee a vertue in heavenly thugs a-; boveall things in the world,hemay conceiveofthem by lookinginto them, fothat a vertue andpower may appeare in them excelling everyvertue in any thing elfe; andyet not renewed. Secondly,ifheebeof a more noble fpirit bee may doegood, eitherfor Church or Common-wealth ; hee may bee very liberali and bountifull unto any that (hall feekcuntohimin this kinde, and hereupon may