Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Si Coneinùer c6 ¡'nne¿ánjTO J reluáation is overcomeofit, íliving no more againff ir, as firewhen it isovercome by wa- ter, that man iscertainely in the eilateofcon, demnation. This is the meaning ofthe Apo, filePeter, 2 Pe; .2.9. While theypromife them liber. ae,they themfelves are thefervantsof corruption, for oftivhom a man is overcome,ofthefamebee is brought in bondage : Ifany finne overcome thee,thouart in the eflate ofdamnation. It will not ferveour turne, to ufe thofe weake excufes, which com- monly is our plea to fay, wee cannot leave them, becaufe we are fieal and blood, and they . are naturally in us; lea/ 2. The fecond reafon is, becaufe, whofoever In him finite walketh in any knowne finne, inhim finne is bath the chief- predominant, and bath the chiefs command, efìccirri$and, and where that bath the chiefe command and mild God no place. rules, Godbath no place; for the motion fol- lowes thepredominantelement; ifgod lineffe be predominant, that moves us and rules us; iffinnebepredominant in us, thatrules us. As a man fpeaketh out of the abundance that is in hisheart, foalfohe worketh out oftheabun_ dance that is inhis heart. This is plaine, for when Chrifl would thew their hearts to be bad, bee biddeth them confider their Beech; and ifhe couldgather the naughtineffeoftheir hearts by their fpeech, then certainly much moreby their aûionsand workes. pei, I, but fumemay fay, I haveafecret finnein my heart, yet it breaketh.not forth - Ikeepe it anj