Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

G r i t /ñú ; ce to f inn id j r ; in, andwillnot fuffer it tocomeout,and fo long it is not predominant, neither doth it beare rule, neither Bothhewalke after it, but covers it. I anfwer, theyhave fo, and thoughtheydoe An not walkeafter them, yet theyarenot the bet- ter for that, for God judgeth according to the inwardheart, hejudged' according to thehea,. venweaime akinourownehearts, he feeth the fecret bent ofthe heart whichway it pis; it may feeme contrary to theeyesofmen, but hee judgeth not according to the outwardappea- rance, but :hee judgeth withrighteousjudge- ment. The third reafonis ,becaufe,thatwhofoever Reaf. lyeth inanyknowne finne,is anhypocrite, and Hee is anhyö nohypocritecanbe faved,though`hedoth other p°crite° things never fowell for fuchan one hangeth not like the fprigge, but likeabough that isal- molt rent off the olive tree, which can never profper. Ifhedidbuta little., andyet did it in fnceritie, it would beaccepted,whereas,while he doth much,yet in hypocrffie,God regardeth pcd huh re" it not. This I finde by comparing thefe-two ittrallth;ngs places together. 2 Croii.25.2. And 2 Crda. r 5, with i nceriá 17. In the firft place it is laid, that Amazia did mán orret n that which was rightin thefightof the Lord, but not thitZsgwith withaperfec heart, and therefore God rejeaed hypocrifiG. him : the meaning is, that hewas not through- out perfea, but had Tome fecret fnae'in therefore God rej,etedhirri. ,2 No*D