Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

g4 Conáinttítrice infinne 'morrow. Now, in theother place, It isfad, Thehear- t orAFla wasperfell allhisdaies;yet as we may read, hehadmany infirmities : as x Heput notaway thehigh places : 2 He relied upon the Kingof .Ezypt : 3 He trailedon thePhyficians : 4 He put the Prophet intoprifon. Yet notwithflan.. dingall thefe infirmities, it is Paid, his heart was piaf, becaufe that thefe did not rule inhim : For,where there isfound humiliation wrought inany man, he,though thefe through infirmity maybe inhim, yet he walketh not after them; and thenonly humiliation isgood, whenaman isdefirous tobe ridofhis finnes ; and this the hypocrite wanteth,becaufe there isrottenneffe at thecore, andhis heart is not trulyfound. Red-00 4, The fourth reafon is, becaufe that hee that Heisready to walkethbutin any one knowne finne,ifhe had xunne into o- but:teiitation unto otherfinnes,hewould runne tiler faon. into them alfo. insupon . Thence is that oftheApofile s lames 2 .x o, x x. Wbofoever flu&keep thewholelam; andyetofendinonepoint, isguiltie ofall; hismea.. ping is,that iffucha manhadbut asflrong ten.. rations unto other fins, hewouldcommit them alfo; forifamandoethanydutyout offnceri- ty,he,woulddoall,becaufe that Godcommon.; deal a11,7as,it followeth in the fameplace : For he that f id, Doenot commit adulteries, idalto, Doe not kill: Now,ifthotcommitnotad:lteriejetifthou kill, thou artbecomea tranfre/rofthemholeLaw For, Tooke what finne foever thouarttempted tanto, theArne thouwilt commit., and ifahun- dred i!! A `°r_ .