Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Conttnudnce írt finne davgerot . 5 dred tentations fhouldtas muchberet thee,thou wouldeft yceld to themall aswell as toone. For thebetter meaningof the point, here it Ruefle maybe demanded, what this walking is. W ñat this wale To this I anfwer,It is a metaphor takenfrom 4,0,. themanner of men in their moll ufuall andor Right walk Binarycarriageofthecnfelves; and therefore it ing isknowna needes fomeexplanation,becaufe it is a fa`gura- choice oftho rive fpeech. Now it is difcerned by there way. foure things. Firft,Seewhat waya manchoofeth towalke in ; Ifa man by accident happeneth to fall into force by-path, where lies not hisjourny, that way is not ofhis choofing, bee is not faid to walke in that way Pfal. r 19.30. There David faith, i have chafen the way of truth, thy judge- ment,. have i laidheforeme. His meaning is,whcn bee did wholly confiderwhat journie to take, then hee fell intoGodspath, andwent in his waies ; this was his refolution. If thenafter confederation thou haft a full pt rpofeand in_ ward refolution togo in the paths ofrighteous% neffe, thouwalkeft right. 2 Seewhat way thou goeft forward in, for b By the that way thou walkeft in ; if a manchoofe a greíl-c Qticr:r, way, and goenot on in that way, it is nothing: Ttavid; Pfal.a r9. 32. faies, I willrunne the way vfthy commandements, when thou fhalt"enlarge my heart. Butmany areheredeceived, theythink theyhavechofen thewanesofGod, andyet go on.rn.the waics offinne; if they would walke : aright