coont;nuance infnnedagero . ; aright, they muft hold on the paths ofgood- nefl'e. 3 Bycompa- 3 See what companions and guides you 3inns and choofe for yourjournie; if thou profefie thou ggidas, haft chofen thewaies of God, andyetdoff de- light in the fame finfull pleafures thoudideít defire, thou maieff faywhat thouwilt, butcer- Lein it is,that thouart the fameman thouwert: forDavids refolution, when bee walked in this path,wasquitecontrary, hefaits, i4cvayfromme yeethat workeiniquitie, for 1 willnow keepe thecorn- mandements ofrny God. And this is laid downe in theText : iftherefore wee follow the fame guides, the world, the flefh and thedivell, wee ftill gowrong,and arenot yet in the right way. 4 <y the pro- 4. See what provifion thou makelt for the ,vifcon wee placebefore thou come thither; Seewhether make. thou feekeft God or the divell. Aman that is to travellinto ltal ,or anyother country to traf- íieke there, will be fure toprovide afore-hand for his journie ; doe thou Iikewife,fee for what country thou bringeft exchange for; if thou laift out all here forheaven,it is a fgne thou art travelling thither; but if wee will make lhip. wrackeofagood confcience, and all our care is togaine here, it is a plaine fignewe walke not aright; and thatwee mind nothing letfe than heaven. Now, thus much for themeaningof walking. 3: Theufes follow : i This fhouldbe a triáll For criall to for. us to examine our helves, whetter wee be fie.vsbc iar 'yin g