ontia nce in aunedan^er®ti. 8 livingmenorno; for if webe living, thenwe we walker walke, and if weewalke, then wee are to fèe tin right war whether we walke in the right wayor not ; for, °`"' this is the fçopeofthe Apofle here. Now, this wemay know by that place, Rom.B. r. There is no condemnation to them which are in Chrift Icfus, who walke not after talefrefb, but after the Spirit : hismeaning is,by thisyee fhall know,whether' ye are inChrift jefus or not,ifye areis Chrift, yee walkenot after the fleili, but after the Spi- rit. This is a lure place of triall, and a true touchftone. And this triall is very neceflarie forus ; becaufe that men live in theChurch as corne lies in the barne, after it is threfht in the floore. It is called corne from the more worthy part, and that rightly; yet there is morechaffe thancorne in theheap, and there- foreit is neceffary that the fanne fhould come anddifcerne.thechaffe fromthe true corne : fo in the Church, there isneed ofthe fannealto, towinnow thegood cornefrom thechaffe. Let men therefore by thefe two rules examine Two rules tom, themfelves trywhether we walkea- r See ifitbe aknowne finne. right. 2 See ifyou continue inanyPinne. r To fee whe- ther it be a i Seeifit beaknowne finne. xnownefn, A goodman maycontinue in finne, andyet beperfe& beforeGod, ifheeknow it not tobe afirme; as thePatriarkes lay inpolygamie,yet it was not acounted ofbefore God, becaufe they.knew itnot tobea finne c Therewerema-