SS Conts`miaslee rn fiaasaedarigeröta: nygoodKingscontinued in it, but ifthey had knowne it tobea finne, theywould have forfa- ken it, and therefore, for all that theyare fäid s'imi'le, to ferve God : As for example agood fubjea may bePaid tobe obedient to his Prince, when it may behe doeth not thar`which at that time is his Princes will; becaufe, that,if he knew what werehis Princes will, hewould doe it but ifamanwillingly commitstreafon,he can- not bePaid tobe a faithfull fubjed; fohe that finnes againft knowledge, cannot be a good man. z To fee if 2 See ifthy finnebe continned in thy time be It is the continuance in fin that makes thee continued in. the in eflate ofcondemnation:i fitbe a knowne fin a man fais into, yet ifhecontinue not therm, this is noargument againflhim,for the godlieft manupon occafion may fall, but fach a man is not himfeIfe. Hence is that faying, Hewas not himfelfe when bee didit : But as for thofe that make acommon tradeof finning, they cannot fay, but that they are themfelves in thecómit ting thereof. In thegodly,as Paulfaìd,Rom.7 z . 7ow,then,it is nomore14bat do it,butfine that dwelleth inmee. Itis not they,but finne that fIí11 remaineth in them: yet thefinne, though it be in them aftertheir regeneration, yetit hathno poífeíïionas ithadbefore.Take heed therefore, thatalthough thou haft the fame occafions of- fered theeas before thou haddeft,yet thoudoff notcontinue in it, but totally abiteine there- from