Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

coitYñu -rice Jinniddngerou, Ss from,fora wicked manmay agreatwhile,even; áwhole,yeer,ab'îeine from fome fin,andyet be faid toIiem it becaufe,that ifhe had the fame occafions offered as before he had, he would havecghnmitted the fame finne as before bee did. ket every man thereforeTooke backe un- tohiswneheart, and confiderwith himfelfe, whether he is not the fameman he was ; fome had their delight incovetoufnefí'e,fome inplea. fure,fome in preferment,fome incredit,examin nowyour felves, and feewhether thou dolt not delight in the fame things fill; fee if thou doff not continue fill in them,andcómit them ufually,and fo judge ofit accordingly. But here men may make many evafions; and find manydoubts, that it isnoknowne fin, that they lie not in it,and the like. Therefore, to theend Imay make it plaine, I will reduce all to thefe fiveheads The firf queftion (hall be this, when it is a Raffit. r. knowne finne,for thehypocrite will be ready to omen. find an evafion aboutthis;as for thebreaking of the Sabbath, for covetoufneffe and the like, theywillfay theyare no finnes, how flail they know theyare finnes ? To this I anfwer, the fparkes ofconfcience EYery mangy will glow in the midft of this darkneflè, that conk;ence willgrudge at that fm, andthenbe foreit is a will tell him knowne fin, though it doebutwhifper againft kown n it. Iftherefore thyconfcience tells thee, that fuchand fuch things are naught, and to be a- voided,