so Cöntínuea infsnne itt-1 voided, (although it may be fora time thou maieftkeepedowt e thyconfcience, and filffe- refi it pat to fpeake out for the noire thy lufis make) yet, when thou fhalt come to lieupon thy death-bed, andat the !anday, when thou (halt appearebefore God in judgement, then for certaine (halt thou find rhefe tobe fins,and that to thy colt: Thou nowwilt be ready to fayTome thing,and put away thy fin from thee, but that will not ferve the turne ; harken there- fore now to thy confcience; and fee whether thatdothnot tell thee,fuchand fuch thingsare finfull. obieï! Here it may be demanded; A godlyman . fometimes may have a fcruple inconfcience, whether he is todoe fich or fuch things; now therefore wherein lies thedifferencebetweene the fcruple of the godly, and ignoranceof the wicked. ri rifm: To this Ianfwer,Indeed thereis a greatdif- ferencebetweene the fcrupleofthe godly, and theignorance that is in the wicked, and the 315;fferences betweens the murmurin and accufin g of a guilty onfci- accufng of a ence. Thereare threefigneswhereby heymay guilty confei- be difcerned ence, and the fcruplea. of r For the guiltyconfcience; whenhe lies in thegodly. a knowne fin, andhis confcience tells him it is Dfe i. a fin he makesno inquiry after it, but he fndes after know. fucli a fweetneffe init,that his heart is ingaged ledge lie in iry to it,hecannot fpeake againff it,nay,herefolves but the god- ly iortake ita to fin,yea, and whenfoeverhe is reproved for it he