Continuance inßnnedangera; 91 he is veryangry. But on thecontrary fide, for him that hath afcruple in confcience;might'he but be informedof it that itwere a fanne, hee would fainknow it,andwithall his heart leave it. Therefore hedothbut inquireand labour by all meanes to know ifit be a fin, andno fooner lothheknowit to beafin, but he forfaketh it. 2 Thou maieftdifcerne obit by the fubjeá D[fe . matteroftheirfcruple: ifit beahardknotand marcer. queftion,then it maybe in agood man,and fuch an one fhouldgather the foundeft and belt rea- fons, and fee what fide is molt probable, and thathemuff follow. But on thecontrary fide, ifit bean eafie matter of morality, then thou art themore tobe fufpected,for the morall law is ingrafted intoourhearts Foran inflance, if itbe about thenegle6t oftheSabbath, orabout companykeeping,and the like, theconfcience that is a virgin, and never will becorrupted, that will tell thee thefe things, and perfwade thee of them tndeede , fometimes thou maieft have a feared conícience, paft feeling; and then, when oncethyconfciencehathdone tellingofthee, thenthouart in apittifullcafe. 3 Thou maieft difcerneof them by the refs Aifer.:e oftheir a6tions;iftheyhave agood con fcience In the refl d theywill be troubled about that,and thereit of `heir aftions, their lifewillbegood:but thoumaieft quickly gather whetheritbe a raging finor no,for then they will doe all thingsontheother fide, and one known findrawes onanother thefalfe N a neef