Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

92 Continuance infinne a>xgerosr>r: neífe oftheir heartswill be difcerned in other thingsalto ; for one raigning fin is like to adif- cafe that weaknethall the faculties ofthe bo- dy : for even fo that weakneth all the faculties 6f-thefoule. And fomuchofthe fiat queftion. Refl. The fecondqueftion is this, he that is a car- nall man may fày, I doe many good thingsas wellas others, and although Idoe fometime fin,yet I allow not my felfe therein ; andwhat can agodly man doe orfay more ?; .2nfw. To thisI anfwer : Godly men andwicked Whérein a. ma goe farre together,bur in themfelves they godly man & differ much. Therefore firft, I will thew how bee a w kd. may to a- farre theymay be faid to agree anddiffer, and Fee & differ. fecondly,how theymay be difcerned. z They agree I. In there thin srhe agreeanddiffer. in the way& g y g differ in the Firf}, bothmay agree in the way,and yet dif end of their fer in theend,their journeies end may be 2. fec, jóurney.. veral places : for theend of allthata godly man loth, is thegloryofGod ; but thegoodwhich awickedman doth, iseither out of fume pre- fent feare, orh e,or flafhes ofconfcience, or for fomby-refpeas, fo thatin al he aimes mot athis owne profit;. it'proceedeth not from the inward man,anewregeneratedheart,asitdoth in thegodly: for example, fuppofea man tram veiling, and by chance fall intoLondon road, becaufe it is coincident withhis way,andnot becaufe hisjourney lies to London, but only for that is his readier} and perhaps eleanefl way a, nowweecannot fay, that man tends to Lone 42imilt:.