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Comfits- ia inifaadanjtra 9i London for all that, besaufehere the denomi- nation is taken from theutmoft endofhis jour- ny. 2. They bothagreeand differ for the difap- zTheéboth provingofevill: I know that this maybe in the fifer In the wicked a difapprovingofevil,as well as in the alfapproviag. godly : wherefore we'are toknow thatthere is 'f"ill* a twofold difapprovingofevill. t. That that arifeth froma principlena- Difappraving ture,in confcience.. of evi11 two. 2. From a trueprinciple ofregeneration.. f°14` Ifthy difallowingof findothbut arife from anatural!confcience,that is nothing. But ¡fit be from a principleofregeneratió,thatis,from a new difpofition that is wrought in us,iffrom it we -difallow fin, our cafe is good., But now the figneswherebywe íhalldif Three fgnexl cernebetweene thefe two, are three : to t`ai °"'fh hetwcene a The firft figne is this if thou doll difailow natural' di!. thy felfe in finne from a new principle of like of "ill regeneration,thouwilt abfleine from fin with rate, g delight, and fettleupon goodneffe,as a (tone, rA cldight!ul or any other heavythingrefs in irs centre, for Gn einaragfr> working witha habit,isworkingwithdelight when a man fets himfelfe againíl fin with all mightandmaine, then it is a true figne.. But now for the.naturall'confcience,let:hiin bebut out of hisoldcompany he is out ofhis element whatfoevergood thinghe.doth, he doth itnot with thewholebent Of his fpirit, but-itfeemes tedious untoWilli