94 ContinH4nce inErnsdonggrofrá. A change $t The fecond fignewherebyyoumay difcerne rifing of the the natural confcience is fin; ifh i.oveth thofe heart botk a ., gainil oldthis that continue in fuch fins ashe do th; ifhe bea .and the do hetu. ers drunkard, hedoth delight in drunkards, ifa gamefier,hedothdelight ingameffers: for he never comes to the contrary grace, . but hath pleafure in them that commit the fame fins But the regenerateman, hee thathath a heart changed, his heart rifeth againft fuch men. Therefore, Rom .r.32.it is Paid, Whoknowing the indgement ofGod(that tbeÿ whichornttfuch thins, are worthyofdeath) not onely dee thefame, but ha'e pleafure in them that doe them. Ifthis is reckoned asone of the fins of the Gentiles, not onely to ,commit fins themfelves, but alfo to takeplea. fure in thofe that commit the famefins.When therefore amanhates themthat love goodnes, and favoureth anddelightethin thofe that are evill,itsa great figne the heart isnot changed; for the Scripture makes thata leffe figneof a deadman to doe evill,than to favour them that -doe it. On the contrary fide, for aman tofa- vour good menandgoodneffe andhate fin, it is agreat ligne ofa regenerated man; when,as thewifemanfaith, Prey .29.10.Theonjuftman it an abomination to thejsfi. 3 A change of The third fignewherebyyoumay difcerne thewhokmá, it, is this, if thydifallowance offinenwife Simile; froma true principle ofregeneration, it will transforme thewholeman ; as a (prig being once ingrafted into the í ocke, willchange the whole