Oomrlv in da4iroïtd 9 whole nature of the ífoeke. For looke what thewill is f upon, that wil change the whole man,and draw that afterit; fee thereforenow what thy fpeeches anddelights are, if thy diÇ allowance offinne arifefrom a good principle,. they are true. On the contrary fide, the nattz rail confcience that doth not transforme the whole man, but onely in fome few things; thoughitdifallowoffinne,yet it will Igoe on in fin ; and fuch menhold, oras theword in the originali is, ( Rom. i . 2 8. ) They imprirn the troth in rinrighteoufne(Je. Their confciences be- inlightned, they keepe it, and imprifon it in that faculty; The confcience that telleth us what todoe,andyet there is nogeneral amend- ment inus. And this is agreat figne wee are not inwardly changed. And fomuch for the fe cond queftion. The thirdqueftion is this ; godly men often- Q tf.; times relapfe andgoe backeagaineand againe, and often fall into the fame fin, and they know it to bea fin how therefore (hall I diflingui(h betweene this relapfing and lying in fin ? To this I anfwer : You (hall diftinguifh it`pJ-o by thefe 3 . fignes: The firft figne is this,a godly mannever re- Ditlinais be.. lapfes into purpofes of finning, hee doth notwilt a godly mans relap- before hand premeditateand think oftheplea- fingandlymg fantneffe and fweetnefl'e thereof : andafter in (iinne. this manner is it faid be that is borne ofGodcan- ' xe hart n' s pu.pofc ffio Gx not finne; ; for . hee is overcome offinbut upon force.