Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

96 Cntinuanee infnnedangeröf fomeoccafion. But thewicked man after hee bath committed tin, doth purpofe todoe it a- gaine ; fo that bee cannot be properly raid to fall into finagaine, becaufe inpurpofe hee ne- ver left it. 2 He favour- The fecond figne is this ; Looke what finne .eth not his fin acarnali manlyeth in that is his beloved finne, he favourethit moll, and wouldnot becroffed in it, he cannot abide tobe toldandadmonifh- ed:ofthat finne. Now it isotherwifewith the godlyman, he favoureth not himfelfe herein , .butthat finne which he is moll ready to fall in- to, heis gladder{ toheare that condemned, he is verywilling toheare the Preacher fpeake a- gainfl that. As for thewicked man hee muff not be touched, hee is likea lame man which cannot indure to be furred, fohe cannot abide thathis beloved fin fhould bee fpokenagain& 3 He falls not 3. There isa great difference in thefe two into the fame things. i. The godly man falls not into it foof- tenas hedidbefore. 2 . Hee falls not into it after the fame manner. a. Sooftenas r. He fallsnot fooften ashedidbefore: Defote HeBoth greatlyrefill it, the being andef- fence offinne isnot Rill inhim, though it may be inpart ; ifthefameoccafions bee let before him, yet.he is not drawne awayas beewas be- fore. Asfor the. wickedman, he is thefame he was, and upon every flight occafionhe will be drawne