Cïhiiwce injlinnealanTeiotd. drawne away; he cannot abfleinefrom finning; becaufe that finne is not weakend, but is full nil' inhim. 2 Fdr themanner : 2 Although he doth fometimes flip, yet it is After the with great griefeand reluaation, hee ismore fatnemanner' lorry for it aIwaies,andevery time getsground ofit,and firength againft it.Butas for the wic- ked man it is nothing fo, hee doth it with as much joy as ever he did, hee findeth as much fweetneffe in it as ever he did before. So then we fee there is aplainedifference between the relapfes of thegodly, and thewickeds lying in fin. And fo much for the third queftion. Thefourth qUeaion, or rather anobje6ti- Qe.e.it4; on,is this Nobody can doeall things,thebeft of us are (inners, we arebut flefh andblood, which is fraile, thebelthave rome imperfeai- ons ; and therefore, who isit that finnethnot ? To thisIanfwer, It is true that allmen are eAnfir; finners,thegodlyoffend as well as the wicked, dcuble dif. yea,thegodlyoffendoften,andmuch ; but yet femme be. there is a doubledifferencebetweentheoffen. mean the tint ces ofthe godly and thewicked. of the godly and titc, The hypocrite bath aiwaies Thine pre-. ked. dominantand rulingfin inhim, wherein he fa- In the wit. vourethhimfelfe fo that all heclothmuffhave tecdverf7,4174 refpeet to it, and where religion croffis that it sainant, mull give place, and theremull beabawlking ofgooddaties,ifit beagainifir But as f the godly,in them thereis nopredominant finne,it O may