Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Cotbi-moue Inlinnedam;No p9 that have good purpofes,and dobut very little. To this I anfwer, the purpofes of the hypo. ,40; triteareweake,and bring nothing to paffe,but The purpofes as they rife, fo they prefently vanith againe . °E the `"&ed are weak `t and But the gollymans, they are well rooted in ituiticiíe, but the foule, and bring the thing to paffe that cfn eagrd y they labour toeffe. A good manwill ufe all ictu, themeanes he can to abfteine from fin, hewill Thun all the occafions but the wicked man, he will not abfleine from the occafions, hee knowes his nature will be ready to takehold offinne, and yet he will not avoid theoccafi- ons andallurements thereto; furely therefore thismanhath nopurpofe to leave fin; for ifhis purpofe be not put in practice, he had as good Dever purpofe, for it hath no effea. Thegod- ly man, hee will ufeall good meanes to fur- therhis intent, by failing and praier, and all othergoodduties. Againe, a godly man, jibe bath a luft in finne, hee will refifi it with ali his might, and never give over, though hee doth flip, yet hee prefentlyrifethagain, and neverceafeth, and therefore it (hall not be im- putedto him butif aman hath flitting pur- pofes inhis !amine, that is nothing, though he falleth not into the fame finne fo often. Thus much for the firfl ufe of triall. The fecond ufe fetveth for comfort. For l'7ez- if this be a figne of deadneffe to walke in TOC1mf®n' tbofe that do finne; Then is pit a ; ntter ofcomfort to all not continue thofes who although theyoften times ra!