Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Joe Continuemce in/inneeiangerow: into finne, yet are fincere hearted, and doe not continue in knowne finnes. You had thereforenoneede to cryout againit us, that our words are crueli words, for this is a doctrine full fweete; you mutt at the firft give us leave to open the wound, though it be painefull, yet after, you fhall finde the » ide. cafe and fweetneffe. The bone-fetter, that becaufe lice would not deale roughly, fetteth not the bone aright, but puts in the Are joynt only a little, anddothnotfet it through.. ly; it may be at firft thou (halt be called a goodbone fetter, becaufe the perfon ill affev eted, for the prefent, feeles nopaine, yet af- terwards when the'joint is not feared, will be railed againft : or the Surgeon that will not fearch thewound, to the bottome, for ainin the patient, at the firft may be pleafng; but afterwards in the end hee fhall have little thanke for his labour: in like manner fhould the dottrine be harfh at firft, becaufe itfear_ eheth the fore to the quieke, yet the end of it is comfort. The end of Chrifts fpea n to the people in Saint Johns Gofpell, was g the lait comfort and joy. Labour therefore all of you to make this ufe ofthis daìrine; you that have fincere hearts, take it home to . your felves, ifyou doe walke in no ;knowne finnes : but if yee have walked formerly in any knowne fi.nnes, now beginne to_reetifie your, lives, that Lb you may have saufe to take