Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Continuance inponedawgerome. ral take this Dottrine unto your owne foules. Breake the bands of Satan, and forget all his faire allurements,, you muff part with all your fweeteft finncs for it, and give all you have to purchafe. this Jewell.. Comfort you may have , and all our defile ifs, tomake your hearts perfea,_ that fo you may finde' comfort. Ifyour heartsbe perfeó, you fhallá a Comforts perfeft finde thefe foure comforts: heart.. t You (hall finde more comfort in eaf-;I contented_ nef a and contentednefl'e to forbeare that IA fá éinft; f°`" wee moff delighted in, than ever wee did in yeelding to it. z You (hall finde your felves able to reff, % Ability tol to pray, to heare, and to fanaifie the Sab- Pryer. bath;. make your hearts good, and you fgall' doe thefe things with delight : for, as when Simile. a mans hand is out of joint he cannotworke fo if the foule be out of frame it cannot pray, &c. ; You (hall find your felves able to beare .3 Abilirie' affliáións; befare you can beare nothing, óns. affl4+ but every thing isas a burthenunto you: A man having a (boulder that is out of joynt, beare any thing; fo, iffnne be min- gled with affliaion,-, it makes thatbitter : but after you have purged your felves from finne, you (hall be able to beare them; but when there is-no' ftrength within, how (hall w beare them 4, Whenyourheartsareperfeh, thewound 4 Sofia pease O will and tatting.