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TheMarine o fMortífacationt 49 To this Ianfwer, that a naturali man may come for A - y Eliot/a= as farreas a fpirituall man, but not. in a right Hove: natt manner ; theApoftle faith, Rom.8.5. They that areofrail man may fled, doe favourthe thïtogsoftheflfh : and, t Cor. 2.4. k°ow fp're ;t The natteral man perceivetb not the things of theSpirit.: Rods.;; where theApoftle faith,he dothnot know themat all, 14 Cor.Z.TA. forhe wants afanaified knowledge of them ; hee knowes them, but not by that knowledge which is wrought by'theSpirit alwaies accompanied with fan.. ¿iftcation; he knowes them forfubítance, but notin the right manner, as tobe a rule tohis life. Acarnall matt mayfpeakeoffpirituallthings, but not religiouf ly ; that is, withan inward feeling ofthat inhis heart which he fpeakesof: fo all() a carnali man may have light, butit isbut a darke light ; heemay have light in the underftanding,but it isnot tranfcendent unto the reft ofthe faculties to transformeandenlighten them: and therefore thoughhehave lighr,yet ail he remains in darkeneffe. The fecund thing to bee confidered is this, What it is tobe heavenly minded : Aman is paid to be Ilea- beh what it ss tt9 venly minded when there is anew life putinto him, mindedeavenl wherebyhe is able both to fee and to fpeake ofipiri- tuall matters in amore excellent manner then ever he was : And thereforetheApoftlefaith, Ephef.4.23.and bererien'edinthefpirrt ofyour mindes ; that is, get a new pher°``.z ;. kinde of lifeandlight inyour foule; forwhen. Chrift enters into theheart ofany man or Woman; beeputs another kindeof life into them than that which hee had by nature ; the Spirit workes grace in theheart, and grace makes a light in the foule.; it snakes another kindeoflight then before ; for before therewasbut a natural!