5o TheDo6iríne ofMortific4tion; naturalllight, a fight ofChriftand falvation, but with anaturali. eye ; but now there is afpirituall light in his foulewhereby heis able to fee Chrift in another manner, and therefore it is called the lightofthemini, theboring o f the cares, and theopening o f the eyes ; that is, there is a changeandalterationwrought inhim wher- byhecan perceivefpirituall things; his cares areope- ned toheare themyfteries offalvation, witha minde renewed to yeeldobedience unto them, makingthem theruleof his life ; and his eyes are opened tofee the excellencies that are in Chrift, as remiffion of finnes, juftification, andreconciliation in a more ex- cellent manner then before hee is, as itwere, in a newworld, wherehee fees all things in another man- nerthen before. Now I doe not fay, that hee fees new things, but oldthings in a newmanner ; bee. faw 3uftification, Rcmiífionof finnes, and Reconciliation before, but now hee fees thefe andChrift ina more excellent manner; there is, as it were, anew win- dowopened unto himwhereby hee fees Chrift in a more plaineand excellent manner, andhereupon hee is affured in the way of Confirmationofthe remiffi- onof finnes : hee hada generali truft in Chrift be- fore, and he lawa glimpfe of him, but now heeen- joyes the full fight of him ; that is, fuch a fight as brings truecomfort unto the foule. As a man that Sample' travels into a farre Countrey fees at laft thofethings which before he faw ina Map ; he faw thembefore, but in a darke manner ; but now hehathamore exact anddiftindknowledgeofthem : even fo it is with a regenerate man, hee faw Chrift and theprivileges that are inChrift before, but darkely, asit were in a IVIap,