Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

5Z The DoaráneofMortáfäcatianr man before hebe regenerate, he liftens not,he regards not fpirituall. things ; when hee heares of Juftlfica- tion and Remiffion of firms hee fleightly paffeth them over, becaufehe feelerh h.imfelfc inhealth,and . findes no . want of them ; for what fhoould a man takeand apply, aplaifter to a whole placethat bath no need of Eacha thing e but whenbee is once renew- ed and . mortified, then lice findes thefe futable to his difpofìtion and this is to bee heavenly min- ded : A naturall manor wom,inmay talke of grace, of J ftification, and Remifiion of finnes, but they cannot fay thatthefe aremine, or that I ftand in need of them; for fo faith the Apoftle, i Con2.14. The n- turall manpercezvethnot the thingsofthefpirit : thatis,he may talke ofdeepe points ofDivinity, butnot by the feelingoftheSpirit ;- hemay;fee God:andChrift but not in aright manner. ()t4e, 2, But you may fay unto mee , Ifa man heavenly minded may fee thus farre,:then when hee comes'. onceunto this eftate, hee needs not feeke any further Illumination 0v2 To this I anfwer, that though the fpirituall man bee thus minded and enlightened, yet hee muff feeke for more becaufe this knowledge is but in part ; For wee.. know but ärß part , faith the Apo tile, x Corinth. 13. za. that is , though wee know much of . heavenly things yet it is but a part . of that wee ought toknow, or that wee fhould know : therefore wee muft ever bee breeding in theSpi- rit, wee muft bee ever growing towards perfeia on : now there can bee no growing till the minds bee enlightened, far this is a worlçof the winde and