The Contents. pontsof God. P:8. 5 When thefirength ofnature is['pest, ibid. 6. Being reflrainedfron finnebyygoodeducation, p. USE I. Tiexamine by theft rulesfinnes Mortification, ibid. Morgedlufls knomne, t. By a deepe humiliationofthefoule, p. to 2 . By the generalityofit, ibid. 3. By the meafure ofgrace, anfwering the meapreof corruption, p. t t 4. By the continuanceo f thern, p. 1z Motives to Mortification : t. There isnopleafure infaune, p. 13 Blcafnre inTanne is notruefolidpleafrure,but clack pleafiare, P. 14. 2. Thefatisfyingoflull is an endlefre warke, ibid. 3. Thegreat dangerof f nue, p. 15 st. Thedeceit ofinne, p. 16 Sinne deceives loure wayes: 1. Byblinding theunderffanding, ibid. 2. By making large promifes, p, t7 3. Bypromi fngdepartareatourpleafire, ibid. 4. By rnakiuga fhervoffriendfinp, ibid. 5. The rebellion it occafïonsìn ass ite-ainil God, p. t g 6. Theflavery at brings asunto Satan, ibid. USE IT. Toinfruc1us that inevery regenerate mari there isa free. willto doe good, P. 19 The power olaRegenerate man confi(is I. In performing any duty God comtrran?ds, according tm die