58 TheDetir tie ofMorti, c4tion fenfe, andwhen it is thus with him hee is drowned in S i kee: finne: hee is, in this cafe, likethe Silke-wurme, that never rats turningher felfe in her web tillat ladthee deffroyherfelfc : fo earthlymindedmen, when they are once catcht in this fnare, they never reff turning themfelves fromonefinunto another, till at lalt they deftroy themfelves. Secondly, thereis nothingmore hatefull andof Z feniiveuntoGod then whenaman is earthlyminded's, 1attefhäioGod for when a man is earthly minded, hee lets up Idola as earthly- try inhis heart : I fpeake nor of the bodily proftrati- at3indcdnetíe, on, howfoever in time it maybehee will befuch an one ; but Ifpeake ofcovetoufnefle, that fpirituall L dolatry ofthe heart, as the Apoflle cals it; which is when the heart is once fotted with thefe earthly things, thatit drawes all thefaculties of the fouleaf- ter them, fo that the Commandements of God be- comea burthenunto. him. Now there is nothing in . the world moreodious unto. God than tobean Idola- ter; forheeds a loathföme creature, one whom God' path left tohimfelfe:. nowGod never leavesa man till hee forfakeshim,but when he Both forfakeGod,then he is left tohimfelfe andthis is paoperly called the hatred of God, for then Godwith-drawes from a man his Spiritand fpeciall providence, becaufe hee loathes-him : Andas it is withus, what a man loaths . that he hates,and wee knowthat a man cares not what becomesofthat which he hates ; io it is with God in thiscafe : For, I fay, the turning ofamans heart from fpirituall things to earthly, is the fetting upof Idola- try in theheart ; and natureher felfeabhorres tohave theaffeaions drawee away : for a,s an Adulrreleiso dons, L.