Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

62 TheDearing,- Q !Maitíficatíon ofholineffe, and catch heat ; that is, bee enlightned, and then fit downe in a confumption of grace, orfall fickeof the loveof the world, furely it is a fearefull finne : therefore let this teach every man to takeheed tohis 'landing. a Firi,for thofe that doe fland, let them take heed A caveat to thatnothing take away their hold,whether it beprofit, thole that p á'tand, ieafure,or delight: : thele the divell will ufeas inftru- meats to beguile you, buttake heed that you bee not deceivedby theta. 2 Secondly, for thofe that have fallen unto earthly bayerfathat mindedneffe,letthem learne withPhiladelphiatorepent, Revc1.3 . andto doe their pi i workes ; thatis, let themlabour to getoutofthis condition. Thirdly, for thofe that havenot yettaftedof the i hofe that fweetneffe of Chrift, let them here learne tobe alha- have not yet medof themfelves, becaufc theyhave neglected fo rafted of the greatfalvation : and thofe that havehad themeanes of fweetneffe of race a long time preacht unto them in theevidence thrift. g g p of theSpirit, andyethave not beene renewed ; that is, havenot lefttheir fwinifhdifpouition, may herebe alhamed.But it is ahard matterto perfwadetheworld ofthe truthofthispoint .; the Minifters may fpeake and perfwade, but it is Cod that muff change the heart, andmake the manwilling to have his corrupti- 4- ons mortified. We fpeakebutto two forts ofpeople, Yongmen youngmen andold : Firft, young menwhen theyare perfwaded to forfake the world, they reply, Ir ftands not withtheiryouth tofet upon thisworker they are not able, or at leaft not willing, to leavetheir plea- fire. Secondly, old men, when they are perfwa- Old men. ded to forfake the world, reply alfo and fay, They have 'yE