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69 TheDo(JríñéofMortification heaven is not abroad footway,where manyfootfteps appeare,.s a path-way is to agreat City;but itis anar- rowway ,8ztherfore we mullthronghard:behdes,there arenot manygoingthat way;.& therefore we muttnot give careunto theopiniö &fpeeches ofthe multitude. Simi/e; . You knowa manorunderitanding,ifa childcone un- tohimand fpeake of his rattles and babies, hewill not anfwer him, becaufe theyare too balethings for himto talke about ; and ifheedoe fpeakeunto him, . iris becaufe the childe wants underftanding to con- ceiveofotherthings fo it is withcarnali men, as the Apoítle faith, 2. Pet.2.12. They f ecke evillofthof things they knownot,becaufe they want fpirituall knowledge : Simile. They are likea Countrey-man, that comes, and fee- ing one draw aGeometricall line, beginnes towonder what it meanes, marvelling that bee will fpendhis time in drawing of filch a line, though hee knowes well the ufe of it that drawes it; and to this purpofe t; Per.q,.; the Apoltle faith, ï Pet.4.4. Theymarvellthatweerunne not withthemunto the fame excefof riot : that is,they cannot fee the reafonwhy wee lhouldnot beeas pro-, phaneas they. obi t#.4 Thefourth reafon wherefore menwill not let upP onthelecorruptions,is, becaufe ofafalfe opinion and overvaluingof them, and therefore they thinke they doe nothing in the getting of thembut what they deferve, and that they are worthy their labour and paynes. To this Iaufwer 3 Let men looke unto this, that theybenot deceived in them, andcompare them with theScriptures: for ifyou judgeofthings as the Scrip- ture cloth,, it will appeare that the reafon is fade, but