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le reigning finne makes a man.wnrigh- rebus, Ltik,9.z3, 71 TheDoi rineofMarti cation his keeper, yet going withhis chaînehe will themore eafilybee taken ; fo thefe earthlyMembers are asa chaine, whereby thedevilllayes hold onus ; there- foreif youwould not betaken by Satan,then mortifie thefe earthlymembers. Thefecond Motive to move us to mortifie thefe earthlymembers, is,becaufe one earthly member, or thereigningof onefinne in us, tyes us Taft fromGod, andbindes usfail to the devill : now what matters it whether aman bee tyed with one chaine, or twenty chainesifhebe tyed fait ; fowhat matters itwhether he be tyed withonefinne, ormany finnes, ifone keeps himfrom God : Foras one grace, trulywrought by the Spirit, makes amanrighteous ; fo oneraging finne makes a manunrighteous. Men thinke that they may retaine famefine, andyet be righteous ; but I fay,if thyheart be Let uponanyearthlything, if it be but an immoderatecare for thefe earthly things, or ifit bee but feare of fuchor fuch aman, which may feeme to be but afmall thing, that tyes thee from God,; I fay, ifyou looke unto fucha man, ifamatter of Confci-. ence come before thee, andthou darenot doe juftice for feare of him, but will in this cafe rather breake with God, it is a finne that there is no true grace in thee, thou art as yet earthlyminded : but if thou bee heavenlyminded, thouwilt Pet thy refol.ution thus ; This thingI know tobe j ufl and righr,it is amatterof Confcience, though all themen in theworld thould beangrywithme, yetI will doe it. And therefore our Saviour faith, Except bee denyhimfelfe, he cannot bemy Z)ifc Ie, Luk.9. 23. thatis, ifliee cafe o all felfe-love of thefeoutward things,fo as hewill not fet his heart rrntno