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-41 ThetvUrinea fMôrtifzc on 7 immoderately upon them. But it is now faire other- wifewith men, they will doeas other men doe ; like the Planets, they willturneeuery way ; andtherefore it is impoffiblebut Satan fhould catch thefe men, be- caufe they love to playwithhis bait : deceivenot thy felfe, if thou forfakefore, and doe not forfakeall, thou art as yet not heavenlyminded : For a manmay not bealtogether covetous, and yet not renewed ; tree maynot gripe fo fad after theworld as another, and' yetnot beedepending upon God , fuch an one is but an earthly mindedman: fo a manmaybereligious a, while, and hee may deny himfelfeeither forcefinne, orelfe the company of wickedmen, andyet when he comes but untothis, that hee muff deny himfelfe inall his pleafures, here he Hands at a flay, Gods grace and faivationandheparts, heewill not buy it at fo deare a rateas to lofehis pleafure in thefeoutward things. But youwillfay unto me, How shall we doe toget (Melt' this loathingof earthly things :' Therefore, for the betterhelpingof you unto this worke, wewinnow comedowneto confider Tomemeanes by which you mayobtaine it; Firft, ifyou would get a loathing ofearthly things, r s . the firft meanes, is, to get a faund nomination : For obtaine the what is the reafonmen doe fominde earthly things, loathñg of and why theydoenot place heavenly things before, things. but becaufe theyhave not felt the bitterneffeof fanne. Nowthe truegroundof Humiliation, is the hatingof Humiliation; fitine, out oflove unto God: but men turne it another Fall's grounds way, they makeanother groundof Humiliation. ofit. For firfl, it may bee they arehumble becaufe the faire ofjudgement that isprefenr, or thAt is likely to