68 The third Sermon feewhat thoughtshe hath, what petitions heé puttethvp fecretly, even then whenhis mouth fpeakes not. And left that fhould be enough, faith he,JIe is over all; youknow one that f}atids on high, and lookes over all that is below, bee eafily can fee whatfoever is done; So the Lord, he is.in all, he is throughall, he is over all . But this is enough for that, only I would haueyou remember, that bee takes notice of all, bee knowesthy prayers. But you will fay; I doubt not of that, I make noqueftionbut he heares me, and vnderf}ands the well enough: But how(hall I know that he is willing to grant he You fhall fee thefe 2 Reafons, in the 7. Math.. where our Saviour vrgeth this verypoint, that we haue now inhand, from the 7.verfe downe- ward, Aske (faith he)andyoufballhaue,Peke and you(hallfindknocke, anditf Ballbe opened vetoyou; here is thepromife; For(he backs it with thefe 2 Reafons) Every one that asketh receiveth; and he that f eketh,findeth; and to him that kn,oc.keth, it fballbe openedvetohim: As ifhe fhould fay; yee haue this reafon for it,.why you fhouldbeleeue it, that it is no more but aske & haue5 for (faith he) all that ever asked haue obtained; all that ever haue fought,ha3úe foundall that ever haue knocked, it hath been opened veto them. That is, looke through the wholebooke ofGod, & fee what paÿers,ever hauebin maletohim,& you thall finde, that there is not a prayer men- tioned