Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

JOB MILITA/'l'{'. Said then th' EterJ:!al, ld~fl: thou not behdd My fervants Faith, how like afeven..fold 1hield) : It hath defended his integrity . . , Againft thy fiery Darts? Hatl} nor thine Eye . ( Thine envious eye ) perceiv'd how pure~y juft He {lands, al}d perfett, worthy q( rl}e truft llent ime his l1and, perfifting fti~l · . Juft, fearing God;· cfch~wing wh~d~ ill? · "Twas not the lofsof his fo fair a flgck; ,... \ ' . . Nor fudden rape offuch ~ --hi~ghty Stock; . ~Twa~ neither lo(s ~)[Servant~, nor his SeAs Untimely llaugl1tei,' (acted all a,t Ot}C~ ) ! , ' ' ' . ..... ~ ~ould make ,hi~ quail; o~. warp fo true ~ Faitlii Or ftain fo pure a~qvc;. Say ( Satan ) hath Thy hand ( fo deeply countc.rfeiti11g ~ine.) . l'vfade himmifb:uf\ I,is<;}dd, or ance repine ·f Can there in ail tile ~~rth'~ fay, ~an there pe ~ ., ~~ :r A man fo perfe~, and, fo jufi; as he? .. . ·:·f Replies the Temprer i Lord, an.oucward.lofs Hopes for repair,- it 1 sbu~ a comm·on crofs: I know thv fervam' s wife, a wife forecaft\ . .. Grieves for thing~ prefC11t~ p~t .for.tliings are_ paft ~ Perchance the tLimor of his fu llen h~a:rc .. . ~ ' Bro<Jks lofs of al.l, fin-C~ heha:tilloft apart; My fclf have ferval)t~, who can n1ake trueb0aft; , , They gave av'd.y as f!!!UC,h' ashe l~ath' lotf : ' Orhers (which LeanJ~ng made ~o wifely mad) Refufe fuch Fortt~ nes as he neverhad; _ ~ .Faith' s no~ tri'd by thii unc~n~in Touch i · Others; t]lat nevcr _kneW,thee, did as much: tend me tl.1Y po!wer th~n, J:h:tt .I might one~ ButSacrifice his Fl~fh, ai.\3itl: his Bones,' And pi~rGe his B.~de,_ but for a moments ~pac~, Thy Darlil)g then would curfe the~ w thy fac·e.- fo which, th' Ererm.I.thJ.Is :' 'His bod~e's thi'nc;~' .~ To pl,ague thy6Hi withal I do confiht' I · . N 11 " , • J ' ; " . r Thy ' .