Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

, r8o JO~ M 1L·ITANT. cThy power to her lifts: AffiiB: a;nd tear . . ..... 'His fldh at pleafure: But his life forbear. -Meditat. ~· ,BOthGoods and Body too, ·who can fl:and? Expe8: not JobJ uprighmefs, at my hand, , Without Jobs aid; the temper ofmy Pa!fion, ( llntam'dby thee) can brook noJo~s Temptation; For I am weak and frail, and wh!t I can · Moft boaft of, proves me but a finfut Man ; Things that I !houldavoid, 1do~ and what ~ am injoy'd to do, that do I not. ' My flelh is wt::ak, too ~rong in this, alone; It rules my fpirit, that fhould be.rul"~dby none _ But thee; my fpirit~s, faint, and hath been never Free from th~ fits offi~s quotidian Fever. - My powers.are all corrupt, corrupt myWill, Marble to good, and wax to what is ill ; Eclipfed i$ my reafon, and my Wir, 1 By int~.rpofing earth 'twixt heaven and it: . . :My Mem'ry's like a Searce of Lawn ( Alas f·) It keeps things grofs, and lets the purer pafS'.' What lrave I then to l:oaft? What title ea~ I challenge more,than this, Ajin{t1-l Ma;z? Yec do I fomctimes feel a wat:m defir"~ ' E.aifc my lrvw thoughts and dull afrettionshigher~ , Where, like a' foul entranc'd, my fpiridlies,~ M1ke~ leagues witl1 Angels~:and brings Deities . H::ilf way to- Heaven, 'fh:lkes hands with Seraphirtls:,' And boldly mingles wings with Cherubim~, . ..,. ,fromwhence I look asl<auns adown the earth,.' Pity my felf, and lofc my, place of birth.? I ,, ' ' But_while 1 thus my lower ftate peplore, . J. I wake, and prove the wr~tch ~was befo~e. . . .. - lvcrl•.