¥~1. . JOB MILITANT. S-ay t~n, Be Clean, 1"11 nc:ver fi6p till thtn; ' . Feaven ne;r 01allJeft, ~ill ijeaven ihall fay; Ammi THp ARGUMENT. Jobf,;,o·t~ witb ulcers, g:ov;ting lies ; P~Uiif,'.a m a Gulf of Mtfen.es ; .· · • . Hzs wife to btaJjihemy doth tcf?'pt h1m ; #is thr-e-e Friends vifft, and lti.ment him. J i • ; ~ '.1 '·. ~ea. r· \ I ·L· Ike as a Truahr;-Sc:hola~ ( whofe delay · . , Is wcrf~ tl~a~ whippipg) ha,ving ~eavc: to p~ayj., Ma;~es ha!l:e to oe mlargea from the J ayl , Of his i'lcgletl:ed Sd1ool, tl~~ns fpeedy tail Upon his ted~ous hook ( fo ill-befrjendtd) Befo. e h',sMafter~ lte be fllll ended: So t1n1\klefs Satan? full of winged h:Hle, Thinl i 1g all.rime, riot fpent in mifchiel; wafie, 1 Depat t~ wi_th fpe~d, ·1crs pati~nt l:o forbear r . ' 1. he patient Job, than p~tient J~b to be3;r. · Forth from the furnace of his Noftril flies Afnlph'rous :vapour, whic~ (by t-!1e envious eye ~ Pf this foul Fiend in~am~d) poqefl: the fait And fweet complexion of t~l' abufe<l Air, .. With PcJ1ilence, a·nd ( ha11i~g power fo f~r) Took the adv:mtagc of his.worfer Star, .: Smo~e him.with Ulcer~, ( fuch as once befel Th'. fg~ptianrWiz~rds ) ltker~ hot and fell~ Whtcli l1ke a 1earchmg Tener un~orreeted,·. left no part of his body unafieetcd, · From head to foot no erppry.place was found, 1hat co,;~ld b~affiitl:ed ·with anor~1cr wound; . . I "'··, - . So