Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

JOB MILITANT So noyCom ,was tlu: namte ofhis grief, That ( lcfc byfriends and wife~ cnat iliould be chief Afiifters) he, poor he, alone remain~d - Groveling in Allies, being ( himfelf) confi:rain'd With Pot-fhearos to fcrape ofrhofe rip'ned coars, ( Which dogs difdain'd to lick ) from out his fares. Which wlien his wife beheld, adull: and keen lkr paffion waxr, made ftr:ong with fcorn and fpleen; J..ike as tl1eWinds,,iruprifon'din the earth, And barr'd the paffi.ge to their natural Qirth, Grow fierce ; and milling to be longer penr, Break in an Earthquake, 1hake-the world andvent; So brake lhe forth, fo fqrth her fury brake, Till11ow/~nt in with thame, ·and thus lhe fpake; ~ Fon ·Sainr, thine inno~ence finds timely fpeeJ, ~A foolilh Saipt receives a Salndy meea; ~-Is tl1is the juft mans ~ecompence? Or h~th ' Heaven no r-equital, for thy painf}tl Faith, ' ®ther than this ? what have thy zealous Qualmb 'Abftemious Faftings, and thy hopeful Alms, , ~ Thy _Erivate groans, and often bendea knee.11, ' No other end, no other thanks but thefe? 'Fond man! fubmit thee to a kinder Fate~ 'Ceafe to be righteous at 'fo dear a rate; ' >Tis Heaven, not Forrune, that thy weal debars ; ~ Curfe Heaven then, and not thywayward ftars : · ! 'fis God that plagues t-hee, God not kn<?Jwing why, . Curfe then rhat God, revenge thy wrongs and di~. 'Job then reply'd, 'God loves where he chafii1.'d i ,: Thou fpeakeft like a fool, and ill advi1.'d : . ~Laugh we to lick the fweet, and fhall we lowr, _ 'lf he be pleas''d to fend a little fowr ? ' Am I fo weak,_ one blaft or two, f11ould chill me>? '1~11 truft my Maker, though my Maker kill rile. When rhei'e fad ti~ings fill'd thof~ itching ears Of earths bh.ck-b~bling daughEc:r ,( ilie that~~ars ? I N + ,_ .. . ;